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Public Infrastructure Analysis Example

Life Cycle Analysis 2 (Last Updated:August 11, 2016): Author- Kevin Boyle, President, DevTreks

Sample story used in a DevTreks tutorial.

A. Introduction

This reference explains how to start to collect, measure, and analyze, public infrastructure investment data (1). DevTreks believes that every public infrastructure investment, from the pothole in the street to the bridge spanning the river, has a story to tell and lessons to teach. Those lessons can only be learned when data about the investment is collected, measured, aggregated, analyzed, and saved in online knowledge banks. A full and uniform accounting of the costs, benefits, and outcomes for every dollar spent on bridges, students, medical treatments (2), highways, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, wetlands, sanitation systems, safety services, and yes, potholes, should be one or two links away for everyone. If the public is paying for it, the public has the right to know how well their money is being spent. This reference introduces one DevTreks way to start the process.

Building Construction LCA

This image derives from a USDOC, NIST reference about LCA.

    B. Data

    The Oso Comida reference, found in the Construction Analysis 1 tutorial, demonstrates how public infrastructure data can be structured to support the analyses shown in this reference. The actual data used in this analysis was structured for the purpose of testing these analyzers. This testing data does not utilize normal life cycle calculation techniques, such as discounting or escalating.

      C. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

      Most of the Input and Component data used in this reference is classified using the UNIFORMAT II building construction WBS. Output and Outcome data used a fictitious USDI NPS WBS (note that some federal agencies, such as USDA, NRCS, have internal codes that be used to build real WBSs). All of the data used in this analysis, including the SubCosts and SubBenefits, were aggregated using these labels.

        D. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Calculations

        The Life Cycle Assessment 1 reference documents the Input and Output calculations that will be aggregated and analyzed in this reference.The following image emphasizes that the objective of most LCA Analysis is to save your community's money.

        Investments Savings

        Construction net savings derived from a Life Cycle Change By Analysis.

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          Dataset: Public Infrastructure Analysis Example IRI This building construction benefit and cost estimate is computed using life cycle cycle totals, statistics, incremental change, and progress capital budget analyzers.

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